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Treatments and Therapies

How are TS and Other Tic Disorders Treated?

Most often, tics are mild, and treatment is not required. In all cases, it is essential to educate the individual and others in his/her life about TS and to provide appropriate supports across all settings (school, work, home).

When tics become problematic or interfere with daily functioning, behavioral treatment or medication may be considered.

Because each patient is unique, the individual or family should work with a clinician to determine an appropriate treatment plan. It may take some time and patience to determine the most effective approach. A clinician may recommend first treating one of the co-occurring conditions if it is more bothersome or problematic than the tics. It is usually best to begin with an effective treatment that is unlikely to cause any side effects.

Treatments include:



Patient and Family Members





Non-Medication Treatments

Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Family Therapy

Speech Therapy

Occupational Therapy

Physical Therapy

Organizational Skills Training

Parenting Skills Training


Medication Treatments


Experimental Treatments

Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)

Clinical Trials

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